Back home


When we arrived home we were tired, but with a smile we thought about our experiences, which were definitely not mundane. We learned a different culture, their habits, and a school that welcomed us with open arms. We made a plus from each negative, and most of all we have to thank our teachers, without which it wouldn't be, as they say, it. <3 ...

Last day


Poslední den jsme byli jediní kdo ještě neodjížděli. Zbytek studentů, zapojených v projektu už byli po poledni mezi oblaky na své cestě domů. My jsme odjížděli znovu v ranních hodinách, přesně ve 2 hodiny ráno.



On the fourth day we went on a trip to the sea to Nida. It was windy, but it did not discourage us. We saw a beautiful and unusual sand dune, with a sundial on top. When we went down there were amber shops that were mined here. On the way home, we stopped at their version of MacDonald, which was called Hesburger. ...

School day


The next day we spent with the tenth grade, with five pupils. We had a leson of biology, informatics, Lithuanian and physical education with them. we talked with the pupils and found out a lot about their life and the city.



Vilnius je hlavní město Litvy. Kterým nás provedl mladý ;-) student historie, tím způsobem jakým nám město ukázal se nešlo nezamilovat. Viděli jsme i plno památek a kouzelných míst. Po prohlídce města, díky které jsme se dozvěděli spoustu nových zajímavostí, jsme šli do senzační restaurace.



Although we arrived at 3 am, the school and the family greeted us with open arms. The families were waiting for us in the parking lot, and all we thought was sleep, so we went down to the hayfield and let ourselves think of another adventure.

The Kuřátka - Gymnázium Jírovcova 8
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