Our headmaster and our form tutor


Our school

Gymnázium Jírovcova was established by a decision of the Council of JčKNV on August 10, 1971, teaching started on September 1 of the same year in the building of the former ZDŠ in Jeronýmova Street. A substantial part of the then teaching staff consisted of professors from the Grammar School of Karel Šalal (today J.V.Jirsík). Together with them, the students of humanities focused classes, so the new grammar school started with eight classes, each two in each of the four years. The new school was divided with the Pedagogical Faculty for the building until the beginning of the 1974/75 school year. At that time, the grammar school acquired its current address and the name - Grammar School, Jírovcova 8. Since its beginnings, the school has changed its focus several times - from the original humanitarian through specialized classes focusing on mathematics to today's mathematical orientation with a wide range of seminars. Over time, the number of classes at the current fifteen has stabilized. The political changes in 1989 were also reflected in our school life. In September 1991 came the first primans, ie students of a multi-year gymnasium. The curriculum has also changed in part and there have been optional courses, which allow students of the 3rd and 4th grades to specialize in subjects related to future studies and occupations. Collaboration with schools abroad and participation in several international projects have become a valuable and pleasant diversification of everyday duties. This review would not be complete without mentioning subject competitions. Preparing for the Olympics of all kinds has always been a daily job, and the struggle for the best placements has been a constant challenge not only for a handful of the best students. Indeed, this fact is confirmed by the charts, in which the students of Jírovcovka regularly and on a long-term basis are placed on the podium. Everything is evolving, nor can the school remain. It can change its external face, but it must not lose its main task and its main priority - quality and responsible preparation for higher education.

The Kuřátka - Gymnázium Jírovcova 8
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